About Diatom A/S

  • Experts in all product areas
  • Single products and customer specific solutions
  • Always guaranteed documentation in accordance with Danish legislation

Diatom A/S is a well-established engineering consultancy and trading company with over 60 years of experience. Our foundation is built upon three core principles: expertise, innovation, and quality. We are dedicated to delivering tangible results and creating value for our customers.

At Diatom A/S, we operate in six distinct business areas: Mechanical Assembly, Polymers, Dispensing, Lubrication, Filtration, and Flow technologies. Regardless of the field, our primary focus is to develop value-adding solutions that enhance efficiency and elevate quality standards for our customers.

We collaborate exclusively with the industry's leading manufacturers, partnering with multiple manufacturers in each product area to ensure we can provide the best solutions and products at all times. While we serve customers across Europe, our primary market emphasis is on the Nordic region.



The companies Drifton A/SDia-Tech A/S and Dacos A/S are secondary business names to Diatom A/S.

Drifton A/S is a specialized provider of pumps, dosing equipment, and accessories to laboratories, hospitals, universities and diverse industries on a global scale.

Dia-Tech A/S specializes in delivering advanced robot and dispensing solutions to a wide array of industries in Denmark.

Dacos A/S offers a wide range of lab consumables & liquid handling products for laboratories, hospitals, universities and the pharmaceutical and food industries.



Diatom A/S is owned by Swedish investment group, Indutrade, which includes over 200 subsidiaries in more than 30 countries. The companies in the Indutrade Group develop and sell components, systems and services with a high-tech content. Within the Indutrade Group, Diatom A/S is a part of the business area Industrial Engineering.


Sustainable business conduct

Indutrade joined the UN Global Compact principles for corporate social responsibility in 2019, emphasizing their commitment to promoting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the corresponding ten principles regarding human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. Consequently, Indutrade and Diatom are dedicated to advancing these goals and principles within our business practices.

Carbon footprint report

At Diatom A/S, we are focused on diligently reducing our climate footprint, which is documented in an annual carbon footprint report. Diatom aims to achieve 100% carbon neutrality for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.



Our Company Code of Conduct has its starting point in the basic values of the Global Compact’s 10 principles for corporate sustainability and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

It lays out guidelines for our daily conduct regarding care for the environment, health and safety, business ethics including anticorruption, employee relations, human rights and community impacts.

Indutrade Group Code of Conduct



Our Supplier Code of Conduct was implemented in 2019 and obligates suppliers and partners to act responsibly when it comes to the environment, working conditions, human rights and ethical entrepreneurship.

Indutrade Supplier Code of Conduct



Diatom A/S was established in 1966 under the original name Diatom Værktøj (Diatom Tools) and initially operated as a privately-owned company. In 1970, the company transitioned to a public limited company, and in 2002, it underwent a name change to Diatom A/S.

Throughout the years, Diatom A/S has strategically acquired several companies, allowing us to broaden our expertise and enrich our product portfolio.


Bredt sortiment af limtyper - både til industri og privat brug

Polymer technology

We supply industrial and specialty polymer products from a variety of renowned suppliers to all major industrial market segments in Denmark.

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diapress-presmoetrikker.jpg (1)

Mechanical Fastening

We supply mechanical fastening from international suppliers and private brands to all major industrial market segments in Denmark.

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Bredt sortiment af smøremidler til mange formål - både til industriel og privat brug

Lubrication Technology

Our services include providing a comprehensive range of lubricants, oils, coatings, greases etc.

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Tid-tryk dispensere fra Nordson EFD

Dispensing Technology

We supply solutions related to robotics, pumps and dosing technologies.

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Bredt sortiment af filtre bl.a. fra Amiad

Filtration Technology

We provide solutions for filtering, separating and cleansing fluids and gases.

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Flow Technology

We supply process instrumentation fixtures, e.g. regulators, fittings, valves and connectors.

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